
Rapid Responders

What is the “Rapid Responders” initiative?

The goal of the “Rapid Responders” program is to support for colleagues in higher education who work in assessment.

What kind of support does “Rapid Responders” offer?

If you are feeling stuck, have a specific issue to resolve, or could benefit from some collaborative brainstorming for an assessment situation, we will connect you with a few Rapid Responders and set up a virtual conference to exchange insights.

Who are the “Rapid Responders”?

Rapid Responders are your colleagues around Virginia who have volunteered to serve as a sounding board for fellow assessment professionals in higher education.

How do I get in contact with the “Rapid Responders”?

You can fill out a request form online, and a Rapid Response team leader will follow up with you within 2 to 3 days.

What if I have more questions? 

For more information, feel free to contact Jodi Fisler ( or Gina Polychronopoulos ( We are happy to help!

Virginia’s Two and Four-Year Institutions

For more information about Virginia’s public and private higher education institutions, visit SCHEV’s website.